
乒乓球运动员的大脑功能非对称性及功能耦合性研究 被引量:9

Functional Brain Asymmetry and Coupling in Table Tennis Players
摘要 运用64导脑电测试系统记录14名乒乓球运动员和14名普通大学生在经验相关以及经验无关图形识别时的脑电数据,计算图形识别过程中的alpha频段(8~13 Hz)能量变化以及theta(4~7 Hz)频段颞叶与运动前区之间的脑电相干性,以探讨乒乓球运动员大脑功能非对称性以及脑区之间的功能耦合性。结果发现:在alpha频段能量上,运动员对圆进行识别时左右颞叶alpha频段能量差大于十字星,普通大学生则无差异;在对圆进行识别时,运动员左右颞叶alpha频段能量差值大于普通大学生;在对十字星进行识别时,alpha频段能量无组间差异。在脑电相干性上,运动员的右半球相干性高于左半球,普通大学生左右半球相干性无差异;在右半球相干性上,运动员高于普通大学生,而左半球相干性无组间差异;十字星形识别过程中的脑电相干性不存在组间及半球差异。乒乓球运动员在经验相关图形识别过程中,右侧颞叶较低的激活以及右侧颞叶-运动前区之间的高相干性,可能表明乒乓球运动员具有良好的视觉-空间注意技巧,在图形识别过程中更多地依赖于视觉空间加工,体现了专家大脑的神经效率加工,而且上述特性不具有迁移性。 The aim of this study was to explore the functional brain asymmetry and coupling in table tennis players during image recognition by electroen-cephalographic(EEG) power and coherence analysis. EEG data were recorded in 14 expert table tennis players and 14 non-athletes. Alpha asymmetry scores were calculated by subtracting left from right hemispheric 8-13 Hz alpha power. 4-7 Hz theta coherence was calculated between temporal and premotor cortex. Athletes showed a significantly lower relative right-temporal brain activity compared to non-athletes and a significantly higher right temporal-premo-tor coherence than non-athletes. The lower relative right-temporal brain activity and higher right temporal-premotor coherence in athletes was associated with sporting experiences. The present findings probably suggest that athletes have superior visuo-spatial attention skills and use more visuo-spatial analysis during image recognizing, reflect neural efficiency in athletes, and the above features are limited to sporting experience related image.
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期256-261,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 上海高校一流学科(心理学)开放基金项目(项目编号:XL2012007)
关键词 乒乓球运动员 图形识别 大脑功能非对称性 功能耦合 table tennis players image recognition functional brain asymmetry functional coupling
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