

Psychological Representation Mechanism of Motor Sequence Learning: A Quantitative Analysis Based on the Transfer Rate of Learning
摘要 针对效应器在动作序列学习中的作用机制主要存在2种观点:动作序列学习依存于特定的效应器和动作序列学习独立于特定的效应器。研究选取大学生为被试,在考虑性别均衡的前提下随机分为3个试验组;采用序列反应时任务范式,设计反应迁移测验、刺激迁移测验和反应-刺激迁移测验3种测验任务,以学习迁移率为指标,分析动作序列学习的心理表征机制。结果发现:(1)在序列反应时任务中所发生的内隐学习,在反应迁移测验、刺激迁移测验和反应-刺激迁移测验中均发生了学习迁移现象,平均迁移率分别为70.00%、50.79%和47.96%;(2)通过反应迁移测验、刺激迁移测验和反应-刺激迁移测验中的迁移率比较表明,动作序列学习中独立于特定效应器的成分更占主导地位;(3)动作序列学习中知觉学习和动觉学习同时存在,但这2种学习又不是彼此独立的,不能将2种成分进行简单的叠加。表明:动作序列学习中应重视和充分发挥技能学习的迁移规律,充分发挥知觉学习、动觉学习的协同作用;动作序列技能的训练不必拘泥于单一动作效应器的训练,可以通过动作示范、变换不同效应器等策略,降低因重复训练带来的情绪困扰、心理或生理疲劳。 There are mainly two ideas about the function mechanism of effectors on the motor sequences learning(MSL). One is that the acquisition of MSL depends on specific effectors, another is that the learning is independent from specific effectors. This study recruited male and female college students as candidates and randomly put them into three groups with gender being balanced. Following the task model of serial reaction time, the study included three experiments as the reaction transfer test, the stimulus transfer test, and the reaction-stimulus transfer test, which all take the transfer rate as indicators to analyze the psychological representation of MSL. The results indicated three points as:(1) That transfer of implicit learning occured in all three experiments with a respectively average transfer rate as 70.00 %, 50.79% and 47.96%.(2) A contrast of the transfer rate in the three experiments showed that factors independent of specific effectors are more dominant in MSL.(3) Perceptual learning and kinesthetic learning both existed in MSL. But as independent exis-tence, the two learning cannot be piled up. the study results tell us that an emphasis should be laid on and full use of the transfer rules should be made to make perceptive learning and kinesthetic learning co-work well and that the training of motor sequence skills is not necessarily confined to a single motor effectors, sample motions, alternative effectors and other strategies can also be tried to reduce motion troubles as well as physical and psychological fatigue.
作者 咸桂彩 施霞
出处 《天津体育学院学报》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期268-272,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Sport
基金 天津市哲学社会科学研究项目(项目编号:TJJX12-124) 天津市普通高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地师范能力与职业能力研究中心项目
关键词 动作序列学习 迁移测验 迁移率 心理表征 motor sequence learning transfer test transfer rate psychological representation
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