
论《亚历山大四重奏》中殖民伦理的后殖民重写 被引量:2

Postcolonial Rewriting of Colonial Ethics in Durrell's The Alexandria Quartet
摘要 《亚历山大四重奏》中,劳伦斯·达雷尔以后殖民重写的方式,阐释了殖民伦理与特定英国文学作品间的共生模式,在解构殖民伦理合法性的同时,彻底颠覆了殖民者心目中约定俗成的"原始的、未开化的"被殖民者形象。小说中以重写形式出现的英国文学作品既是固化殖民者伦理身份的"神圣幽灵",又是对被殖民他者施加的"帝国主义认知暴力"。达雷尔不仅揭示了隐含于部分英国文学文本中的殖民伦理的荒谬本质,还通过对埃及"贱民"纳洛兹宗教领袖形象的崇高化描写赞颂了被殖民"他者"的反抗力量。 Through post-colonial rewriting Durrell has illustrated the symbiotic relationship between colonial ethics and some British literary works in The Alexandria Quartet. He not only deconstructs colonial ethics' legitimacy but also completely topples the established image of the colonized who are "primitive and under- developed" in colonialists' eyes. British literary works referred to in rewriting are not only Holy Ghost that fossilizes colonizers' ethical identity but also the "epistemic violence of imperialism" imposed on the colo- nized other. Durrell has revealed the absurdity of colonial ethics imbedded in some British literary texts and celebrated the colonized Other' s power of resistance by divinizing Egyptian "subaltern" Narouz' s reli- gious leadership.
作者 徐彬 汪海洪
出处 《山东外语教学》 2015年第5期69-75,共7页 Shandong Foreign Language Teaching
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"文学伦理学批评:理论建构与批评实践研究"(项目编号:13&ZD128) 国家社科青年项目"劳伦斯.达雷尔研究"(项目编号:13CWW018) 博士后特别资助项目(项目编号:2014T70715) 辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划(项目编号:WJQ2014027)的阶段性成果
关键词 殖民伦理 后殖民重写 劳伦斯·达雷尔 《亚历山大四重奏》 colonial ethics post-colonial rewriting Lawrence Durrell The Alexandria Quartet
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