分别在氧气-氮气和氧气-氮气-水蒸气的气氛下,将失活的Pt-Sn-K-La/γ-Al2O3异丁烷脱氢催化剂进行烧炭再生(以下简称试样1和试样2)。采用X射线荧光光谱分析法、NH3-程序升温脱附、H2-程序升温还原等方法分析了催化剂的物理化学性质,并在微反装置上对其催化性能进行了评价。结果表明,再生过程中通入水蒸气可以有效降低催化剂床层的温升;烧炭再生后,催化剂的Pt分散度下降,氯元素质量分数及表面酸量降低。在反应15 h后,试样2的异丁烷转化率由51.8%降至43.6%,略低于新鲜催化剂,选择性则高于后者。
The deactivated Pt - Sn - K - La/γ-Al2O3catalyst for isobutane dehydrogenation was re- generated by gasifying deposited coke in O2 - N2 and O2 -N2 -steam atmospheres and the obtained prod- ucts were denoted as sample 1 and sample 2,respec- tively. The physicochemical properties of the samples were characterized by X- ray fluorescence spectros- copy, NH3 - temperature programmed desorption, n2 -temperature programmed reduction and so on, and their activity was evaluated in a microreactor. The results showed that the steam effectively reduced the temperature rise of catalyst bed. After the regen-eration, the content of chlorine in catalyst de- creased. Moreover, the regenerated catalysts also showed a decrease in both Pt dispersion and catalyt- ic acidity. After reacting for 15 h,the isobutane con- version of sample 2 dropped from 51.8% to 43.6% ,slightly less than that of fresh one,whereas its isobutene selectivity was higher than that of the latter.
Petrochemical Technology & Application