
批判话语分析在大学章程文本中的应用研究--以新加坡国立大学章程为例 被引量:6

The Application of the Critical Discourse Analysis to the University Charter——The case of National University of Singapore(NUS) Charter
摘要 社会科学研究的"语言学转向"和语言学研究的"社会转向"使得批判话语分析成为教育研究的热点方法。以新加坡国立大学章程为例,运用英国社会语言学家诺曼·费尔克拉夫提出的以文本为中心的批判话语分析的三维模型,应用到大学章程文本的研究中,并借用语料库分析软件提出具体的操作步骤,从情态系统和互文性两个视角深入分析章程文本的语体、风格和话语角度,呈现新加坡国立大学的内部治理结构和外部治理格局。 Critical discourse analysis, as a result of "linguistic turn" in socio-science and "social turn" in linguistic research, became an increasingly popular method in educational studies. Based on the framework of textually oriented critical discourse analysis promoted by British sociolinguist Norman Fairclough, this paper applied his three dimensional model to the university charter analysis, putting forward specific and feasible steps with the aid of computer corpus techniques. Then, NUS Charter is chosen as an example to explore the genre,style and the discourse of the text from the perspective of modality and intertextuality in order to clarify the internal and external governance structure in NUS.
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期49-54,共6页 China Higher Education Research
关键词 批判话语分析 新加坡国立大学章程 情态系统 互文性 critical discourse analysis NUS Charter modality intertexturality
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