
两种气泡泵垂直管内气液两相流的CFD数值模拟 被引量:2

CFD numerical simulation of air-liquid two-phase flow in vertical tube of airlift pump
摘要 以气动式风力提水系统的核心部位为对象,采用VOF模型分别对气泡泵和盖瑟泵的垂直管内气液两相流进行CFD数值模拟,考虑了不同的淹没深度、不同的进气速度对两种泵出水量的影响。结果表明,在两种泵的垂直上升管中,均有Taylor气泡产生和上升。当淹没深度为1.0 m时,两种泵皆仅有微量的水从上升管顶部排出;淹没深度为1.8 m时,两种泵有较多量的水从上升管顶部出口排出,其平均排水体积流量为6.2~27.9 L/s,并且气泡泵的排水量要比盖瑟泵大,但随着进气速度的不断增加,这种优势将不再明显。 By taking the core of the pneumatic wind pumping system as the study objective,the CED numerical simulations are respectively made on the air-liquid two-phase flows in the vertical tubes of both airlift pump and Geyser pump with VOF model under the consideration of impacts from various submerged depths and air intake speeds on the water discharge of both the pumps.The result shows that Taylor bubbles occur and rise from the vertical tubes of both the pumps. When the submerged depth is 1. 0m,only little water is to be discharged from the top of the rising tubes of both the pumps and when the submerged depth is 1. 8m,more water is to be discharged out therein with the mean discharge volume of 6. 2 ~ 27. 9 L / s. Furthermore,the discharge volume from the airlift pump is large than that of the Geyser pump,however,this advantage is no longer apparent along with the continuous increase of the air intake speed.
出处 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期144-147,共4页 Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50579083)
关键词 气泡泵 CFD VOF 气液两相流 airlift pump CFD VOF air-liquid two phase flow
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