Objective To investigate the effect of mild obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) on the neurocogni- tive function of the children and evaluate the potential value of sleep pressure score (SPS) in the diagnosis of the neuro- cognitive deficits in these children. Methods Consecutive OSAS children(aged 5 - 7 years) were recruited from Shang- hai Children' s Medical Center as the case group, and non-snoring healthy children as the control group. Both of the 2 groups underwent the overnight polysomnograpby (PSG) and a comprehensive neuropsychologieal battery including atten- tion and memory test. The case group was divided into 2 subgroups according to the apnea hypopnea index (AHI) : mild OSAS (AHI 1 -5 times per hour) and moderate to severe OSAS (AHI≥5 times per hour). The sleep architectures and sleep arousal parameters were analyzed and the neuroeognitive tests were performed in the three groups. Analyze the SPS as a diagnosis tool of neurocognitive impairment in mild OSAS in children by ROC curve. Results There were 30 casesrecruited into the control group. Mild OSAS group includ- ed 33 cases and moderate to severe group 28 cases. In the 3 groups, there was no difference with regard to the age, gender, BMI z score or parents' education level (P 〉 0.05). There was significant difference in AHI, ob- structive apnea index (OAI), nadir SpO2 and respiratory arousal index (RAI), spontaneous arousal index (SAI),sleep pressure score (SPS) in the 3 groups. The AHI, OAI, nadir SpO2, RAI and SPS of mild and moderate to severe OSAS group were significantly higher than those in control group. There was no significant difference in retention and the percentage of recall of the immediate memory (P 〉 0.05). There was significant difference in cognition-attention index in the 3 groups even in the mild OSAS group, and the moderate to severe OSAS group was the worst. In the ROC analy- sis, the area under the curve was 0.88 [95 % confidence interval (CI) = 0.82 to 0.94] for SPS. The cutoff point of 0.11 for SPS was optimal for diagnosing cognitive-attention deficit in mild OSAS group (sensitivity 71.4%, specificity 74%). Conclusion Mild OSAS may be associated with the deficit of attention and SPS could be an effective index to evaluate it in mild OSAS children.
Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics