
领导力研究的理论评述 被引量:28

Theoretical Commentary of Leadership Research
摘要 不同的领导定义,导致了领导力构念、测量、考察和评论等方法的不同。领导力的来源和影响机制是每一个领导理论都必须要回答的核心问题。已有领导理论所涉及到的领导力来源主要包括领导者、下属、领导者-下属之间的互动关系以及环境四个方面,而在领导力的影响机制上,则主要有特质、行为、认知能力和情感等四种领导力传达的重要路径。近年来,领导力研究出现了一些新动向,如负性领导日益受到关注,追随者成为领导学研究的重心之一,多层级领导效应涓滴新范式逐渐形成,以及本土领导现象研究日益兴盛等。 The differences in how leadership has been defined have resulted in disparate approaches to conceptualizing, measuring, investigating, and critiquing leadership. Leadership theory studies attempt to answer two fundamental questions: "Where does leadership come from?" represents the locus of leadership as the source from which leadership arises, and "How is leadership transmitted?" represents mechanism as the means by which leadership is enacted. Major leadership theories conceptualize the locus as the leader, followers, leader-follower dyad, and context. As effect mechanisms, traits, behaviors, cognition, and affect can be categorized as the means by which leadership is enacted. The new trend of leadership theory research contains: Negative leadership is drawing more and more attention; Followers are evolving to the emphasis of leadership studies; Trickle-down as a multi-level leadership effect is turning into a new research paradigm; Indigenous leadership phenomenon has become increasingly flourishing.
作者 李明 毛军权
机构地区 上海行政学院
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期91-102,共12页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目<领导干部考核评价机制研究>(项目批准号:14CDJ012)
关键词 领导力 领导理论 来源与机制 研究动向 Leadership Leadership Theory Locus and Mechanism of Leadership Research Trend
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