
拉美新左翼:类属、缘起与未来 被引量:3

The Categories, Origin and Future of Left Wings in Latin America
摘要 拉美左翼政党世纪之交迅速崛起,并在多国赢得选举的胜利。若从政党的内在本质与政府的公共政策考量,当今拉美左翼应分为自由左翼与干预型左翼。20世纪80-90年代初,传统左翼执政并完成市场化改革的拉美国家为更加激进的新左翼政党让渡出政治空间,但在左翼力量未能执政的国家传统左翼仍能获得选民的支持,激进左翼无法生存。然而,金融危机后世界经济增长缺乏强劲动力,无论自由左翼还是干预型左翼政府,若欲继续执政,就需展现逆境与顺境中具有同样的执政能力。 In the centenary transition, the left wings in Latin America arose swiftly and came into power in quite a few countries. These left wings should be classified into liberal left and interventionist left from the perspective of political party's qualities and govern- ment's public policies. In 1980s and early 1990s, the Latin countries where traditional left parties were in power reserved political space for more radical new left wings. Meanwhile, radical left wings could not exist in the countries where left parties had no chance to govern. However, strong impetus is lacked for economic growth in the wake of financial crisis. If they are to survive, both liberal and interventionist left governments will have to show that they are capable of governing in bad times as wen as good.
作者 官进胜
机构地区 上海行政学院
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期103-109,共7页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 作者主持的2012年度国家社科基金规划课题"金融危机后拉美社会主义思潮研究"(12BGJ022)的系列成果之一
关键词 自由左翼 干预型左翼 缘起 未来 Liberal Left Interventionist Left Origin Future
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