
基于善意本性的公共品自愿供给与公平分配——中美行为经济实验研究 被引量:1

Voluntary Provision and Fair Distribution of Public Goods based on Goodness:Behavioral Economic Experiments between China and USA
摘要 主流经济学的理性思维与现实中人的思维存在偏差。本文设计了一系列行为经济实验(信任、囚徒困境、公共品、独裁和最后通牒实验)并在中美两国大学课堂上实施。研究表明:人们天生具有善意本质和社会性思维,能够自愿供给公共品,偏好经济利益的公平分配;而在信任度、合作偏好、合作水平和公平偏好的量化方面,美方都表现出更高(强)的特征。本文建议政策制定者有必要充分了解人们的社会性思维及相应的微观行为,政策的重点有必要充分考虑到这些思维、能力和行动,以及为人们自愿解决集体行动问题提供信息平台。 The rational thinking assumption by main stream economics has a far distance from real people. This paper designs a series of behavioral economic experiments (trust, prisoners' dilemma, public good, dictator and ultimatum games) and conducts them in two university classrooms of China and USA. It shows that people intrinsically have goodness and social thinking, and can provide public goods voluntarily and have fair preference of economic interest distribution. However, the American students show higher trust degree and cooperation level, and stronger preferences of cooperation and fairness than the Chinese ones. Therefore, this paper suggests that policy makers are necessary to fully understand people's social thinking and micro behavior and they are necessary to emphasize on publicizing this kind of thinking, ability and action, and should provide information platform for people to solve collective dilemmas voluntarily.
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期99-114,共16页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71303062) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(13YJA790119) 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划资助(Yq2013081) 广东高校人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(2012JDXM_0024)的资助
关键词 善意社会性思维 自愿供给公平分配行为经济实验 Goodness Thinking Socially Voluntary Provision Fair Distribution BehavioralEconomic Experiments.
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