
“教学论”与“教学法”的关系探析——(跨文化)比较教学论的视角 被引量:11

Analysis of the Relationship of“Didactics”and“Methods of Teaching-Learning”:A Perspective from Comparative Didactics
摘要 从"教学法"到"教学论"的演变,是20世纪初期以来我国教学论学科发展的历史轨迹,但是这两个概念在西方教育文化的源头原本是不同的概念。"教学法"在欧陆教育学和英美教育科学里都存在,但其内涵不尽相同。"教学论"则是欧陆教育学所特有的,其历史悠久,到20世纪下半叶发展成为大学独立建制的一门教育学分支学科,而在美国及其他英语国家大学里则基本上不存在这样一个学科。美国及其他英语国家只是在20世纪60年代以后才开始构建所谓的"教学理论"(实则只是"教"的理论),但这与欧陆国家的"教学论"有很大差异。20世纪初期以来,我国先后引进了德国的教育学和教学论,美国教育科学和课程论,以及前苏联的教育学和教学论。这些学科基本概念引进到我国后,不可避免地出现误读、误解,造成了长期混淆的局面。今天,我们站在21世纪新的起点上,需要反思和清理如何继承并进一步发展20世纪教育学和教学论的学术遗产及其发展路径。现在是对学习国外教育理论进行追本求源、正本清源的时候了。 The shift from "methods of teaching-learning"to"didactics"in China represents a historical trajectory of the discipline of didactics that has taken place since the early 1900 s.These two key concepts,however,are quite different from the point of view of the West,where they originated.The idea of"methods of teaching-learning"exists in both the European-Continental pedagogics and Anglo-American educational sciences.Its meaning,however,is not quite the same in these different cultures.Whereas"didactics"is characterized with the European-Continental pedagogics with a long history,later developing into a sub-discipline of its own since the mid-20 th century,it basically does not exist as an academic discipline in the universities of the U.S.and other English-speaking countries.The so-called "theory of instruction"did not begin to emerge until the 1960's in these countries.And yet it differs quite a lot from "didactics"from the European-Continental countries.Since the beginning of the 20 th century,German pedagogics and didactics,US educational sciences and curriculum studies,and Soviet pedagogics and didactics have all been introduced into China,respectively.The basic concepts of these different origins seem to have been misread and misunderstood since their introduction,which leads to the confusion in the Chinese educational landscape.Today,standing on the new starting point of the 21 st century,we must reflect on and reconsider the legacies and their pathways of education we have received from the past century.Now it is time to trace and clarify the origin of educational theories introduced from other countries.
作者 丁邦平
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期53-64,共12页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金一般项目"教学论学科群对教师专业成长的作用:欧洲经验"(项目编号:11YJA880016)的研究成果之一
关键词 教育学 教学论 教学法 教学理论 比较教学论 pedagogics didactics methods of teaching-learning theory of instruction/teaching comparative didactics
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