
论哈佛大学募捐策略新变化及对我国高校的启示 被引量:1

New Fundraising Strategies of Harvard University
摘要 在全球高校饱受经费不足问题困扰的今天,拓宽筹资渠道、创新募捐策略、争取更多的办学经费是全球高校都密切关注的问题。哈佛大学2014财年募捐取得了举世瞩目的成绩,其关键在于哈佛大学重视募捐活动:重组募捐机构,将其放在学校机构的核心地位,全员参与,广泛发动志愿者,创新募捐活动,拓宽捐赠类型和方式,积极鼓励和激励校友和社会友人向哈佛捐赠。哈佛大学每年源源不断获取捐赠资金的策略,值得我国高校学习和借鉴。 Almost all the universities pay close attention to the issue on broadening the fundraising channels and innovating the fundraising strategy in the face of inadequate funding problems. Harvard University has made great achievements in fiscal year 2014 fundraising. The key is that Harvard University attaches importance to fundraising activities,restructures the fundraising organization and places it in the core of university organization,involves all the staff,mobilizes volunteers,innovates fundraising activities,broadens the type and way of donation,encourages alumni and friends to make a donation to Harvard University. Such fundraising strategies of Harvard University are worth Chinese universities' learning and using for reference in fundraising donation.
作者 万爱莲
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2015年第9期68-72,共5页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
关键词 哈佛大学 募捐 策略 Harvard University fundraising strategy
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