
卵巢妊娠95例临床分析 被引量:1

Clinical Analysis of 95 Cases with Ovarian Pregnancy
摘要 目的:探讨卵巢妊娠的临床特点、诊断及治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析我院收治的95例卵巢妊娠患者的临床资料。结果:OP占同期异位妊娠1.79%。其中68.4%患者有人工流产史,6.3%放置宫内节育器。87.4%患者有腹痛症状,84.2%患者有停经史,51.6%出现阴道流血。无术前确诊,所有病例均行腹腔镜手术。结论:OP病因未明,无典型临床表现,充分结合血β-HCG及B超检查可以提高术前诊断率。首选腹腔镜卵巢楔形切除术或病灶切除,术后再次妊娠为宫内妊娠率高。 Objective:To investigate clinical characteristics,diagnosis and therapy of ovarian pregnancy(OP).Methods:Retrospective study was conducted in 95 patients with OP admitted to our hospital.Results:OP accounted for 1.79% of ectopic pregnancy over the same period,of which 68.4% had a history of artificial abortion,6.3% was treated with intrauterine contraceptive device(IUD),87.4% had abdominal pain,84.2% had a history of menopause and 51.6% had vaginal bleeding.All patients had no preoperative diagnosis and underwent laparoscopic surgery.Conclusion:Since the cause of OP is still unknown and it has no typical clinical manifestations,we adopt bloodβ-HCG combined with B-ultrasound to improve the preoperative diagnosis.We prefer laparoscopic wedge resection of ovary or lesionectomy which induce higher rate of intrauterine pregnancy and lower rates of ectopic pregnancy and infertility in re-pregnancy after surgery.
出处 《亚太传统医药》 2015年第21期85-87,共3页 Asia-Pacific Traditional Medicine
关键词 卵巢妊娠 临床特征 卵巢楔形切除术 Ovarian Pregnancy Clinical Characteristics Wedge Resection of Ovary
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