The compounds 2,3-butanediol (BD)and 2R,3R-BD can cause creeping bentgrass to show increased resistance against Rhizoctonia solani .To evaluate the mechanisms of this induced resistance,we determined the activities of antioxidant enzymes in the ascorbate-glutathione cycle and the redox states of various antioxi-dant compounds in leaves of creeping bentgrass that were injected with 250 μmol/L 2,3-BD and 100 μmol/L 2R,3R-BD before inoculation with R.solani.The 2,3-BD and 2R,3R-BD treatments significantly decreased the disease incidence in creeping bentgrass plants inoculated with R.solani and increased the activities of gluta-thione reductase (GR)and ascorbate peroxidase (APX).However,the increase in APX activity was smaller than that in the control (no BD).In the plants treated with 2,3-BD and 2R,3R-BD,the ascorbic acid (AsA) content decreased at an early stage and increased at a later stage after inoculation,while the content of de-hydroascorbic acid (DHA)peaked at 1 and 9 d after inoculation at levels significantly higher than those in the control.The AsA/DHA ratios of plants treated with 2,3-BD and 2R,3R-BD reached a maximum at 5 days af-ter inoculation (5.0 and 3.4 times the AsA/DHA ratio in the no-BD control at 5 d after inoculation,respective-ly).In plants treated with 2,3-BD and 2R,3R-BD,the glutathione (GSH)content significantly increased and the GSH/GSSG ratios peaked at 9 days after inoculation at 2.34 and 1.66 times that in the no-BD control,re-spectively.These results suggest that in creeping bentgrass,the resistance against R.solani induced by 2,3-BD and 2R,3R-BD involves the ascorbate-glutathione cycle,which maintains efficient metabolism and participates in the plant disease resistance response.
Acta Prataculturae Sinica