任何人的发展进步,与其经历有着必然的联系,领袖人物也不例外。二十世纪四十年 代张闻天同志对中国农村的调查,是继毛泽东之后中共领导人对农村进行的一次大规 模的调查,这次调查对张闻天本人和中国社会均留下了深刻的影响,尤其是对张闻天 本人的影响更为突出,它使张闻天认清了自己三十年代所犯的错误,形成了正确的思 想认识、工作作风和工作方法,使其成为一位杰出的马克思主义者。
The piobe into Chinese usal aiea in 1940' s by ZHANG Wen - tain, which was another laige - scale piobe by a chinese communist paity leadea aften MAO Ze - dong, had deep inplaence on Both the Chinese Socitey and ZHANG himself. The piobe made ZHANG undeistand his mistakes made in 30's, and made him become an outstanding maixist.
Journal of Taizhou Polytechnic College