
住宅政策性金融机构:印度镜鉴与启示 被引量:2

Housing Policy Financial Institutions: Mirror and Revelation of India
摘要 印度国家住房保障银行以稳步促进住房金融市场的包容性扩展为愿景,以利用和推动市场潜力来对中低收入人群的住房需求提供服务为使命。国家住房保障银行采取董事会治理的方式,主要实施与住房保障有关的资金筹集、资金配置、保障项目、规制和监督、促进和发展五大方面的业务且取得了可观的绩效。相机成立国家住房保障银行、依法治理国家住房保障银行、重视对城乡居民共同提供住房金融支持、采取多种方式筹集住房保障资金、利用多个渠道分配住房保障资金、提供多样化的住房保障项目、开展多部门住房金融业务合作是印度国家住房保障银行成功运行的基本经验。 National Housing Bank(NHB) in India has the vision to promote inclusive expansion with stability in housing finance market and the mission to harness and promote the market potentials to serve the housing needs of all segments of the population with the focus on low and moderate income housing. NHB takes the board form of governance and implements five businesses called resource mobilization, deployment of funds, housing supporting programs, regulation and supervision, and promotion and development with considerable performance. The basic experiences from successful running of NHB in India are to establish the NHB watching for chance, to govern the NHB according to the law, to address to provide housing financial supporting for urban and rural residents mutually,to take multi-measures to collect housing funds, to reimburse housing funds by many channels, to provide diverse housing supporting programs and to carry out multi-department cooperation in housing finance field.
作者 贾洪波
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期62-70,共9页 Reform
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国流动人口社会保障制度协调机制研究"(批准号:14BRK020)
关键词 国家住房保障银行 住房金融 住房保障 national housing security bank housing finance housing security
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