
新《日美防卫合作指针》评析 被引量:4

Review on the New Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation
摘要 2015年4月27日,新《日美防卫合作指针》在美国纽约发表。该文件的出台有以下几个背景:美国实施亚太"再平衡"战略,期待并支持日本发挥更大作用;日本希望稳固日美同盟借以牵制中国,希望在海洋事务领域和军事领域发挥作用;美国和日本都把中国看作"威胁"。文件的出台大致经历了四个阶段:启动、日本国内相关法规修订、中期报告、最终文本。与旧版相比,新《日美防卫合作指针》内容变化很大:日美同盟成"全球同盟",日本所能发挥的作用大大增强,两国针对中国的意味更加明显。该文件对于中日关系、美国的亚太同盟体系和地区安全等都将产生深远影响。 The Guidelines for U.S. - Japan Defense Cooperation have been released on April 27, 2015. There are some backgrounds about the new guidelines. Firstly, The United States is implementing the rebalance strategy in Asia-Pacific region and looking forward to supporting Japan to play a bigger role in regional and global affairs. Secondly, Japan wants a closer relationship with the United States to balance rising China. Thirdly, both the United States and Japan are regarding China as a threat, demonstrated by their official documents. Under the new guidelines, U.S.-Japan alliance is translating into global alliance from the current regional alliance. That will has great impacts on Sino-Japan relations and Asia-Pacific security.
作者 杜晓军
出处 《日本研究》 2015年第3期8-15,共8页 Japan Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"21世纪海上丝绸之路建设与南海战略研究"(项目编号:14ZDA078)之子课题"美日印澳关系及其南海政策"阶段性成果
关键词 美国 日本 防卫合作指针 中日关系 亚太安全 United States Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines Sino-Japan relations Asia-Pacific Security
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