
基于SUSAN角点的秧苗列中心线提取方法 被引量:5

Extraction method for centerlines of rice seedlings based on SUSAN corner
摘要 中国南方水田环境复杂,不同生长阶段秧苗的形态各异,且田中常出现浮萍及蓝藻,其颜色与秧苗颜色极其相似,因此常用的作物特征提取算法难以应用在水田上。针对这些问题,该文提出一种基于SUSAN角点的秧苗列中心线方法。运用归一化的Ex G(excess green index)提取秧苗的灰度化特征,运用自适应的SUSAN(smallest univalue segment assimilating nucleus)算子提取秧苗特征角点;最后运用扫描窗口近邻法进行聚类,采用基于已知点的Hough变换(known point Hough transform)提取秧苗列中心线。经试验验证,此算法在图像中存在浮萍、蓝藻和秧苗倒影的情况下有较高的鲁棒性。在各种情况下均成功提取秧苗的列中心线,且每幅真彩色图像(分辨率:1280×960)处理时间不超过563 ms,满足视觉导航的实时性要求。 In south China, the rice seedlings present various morphological characteristics during the growth period. What's worse, duckweed and cyanobacteria, whose colors are very similar with the rice seedlings, appear in the paddy field frequently. The complicated environment makes it challenging to extract the guidance lines in south China. Domestic and foreign scholars have proposed many methods to detect the guidance lines. But most of them are difficult to be applied in paddy fields in south China. In order to solve these problems, a new method which is based on SUSAN(smallest univalue segment assimilating nucleus) corner and nearest neighbor clustering algorithm is presented. The method consists of 4 main processes: image segmentation, feature points detection, feature point cluster and guidance lines extraction. Firstly, the color image is transformed into grey scale image using normalized Ex G(excess green index). In this process, the distribution area of the crops can be extracted from the background. But there is a lot of noise in the grey scale image after this process. Secondly, SUSAN corner algorithm is used to detect the feature points in the grey scale image. The target crop regions were obtained by detecting the feature points. And most of the noise in the grey scale image can be filtered. In order to make the SUSAN algorithm adaptive, we propose an equation to compute the corner threshold. Thirdly, feature points are clustered using nearest neighbor clustering algorithm. There are 2 steps to cluster the feature points. Accordingly in the initial step, the image is scanned by a scanning window and then the feature points are clustered preliminarily. After that, the feature point groups are clustered in vertical direction. The center point clusters of each target region were obtained by using the clustering algorithm. Finally, the known point Hough transform is applied in the algorithm in order to extract the center line of each cluster rapidly and effectively. In order to test the algorithm, 3 growth stages are taken into consideration. The circumstances of 3 growth stages are different from each other. The significant differences of the 3 growth stages are: in the first growth stage, there are few duckweeds in the water; in the second growth stage, there are a lot of duckweeds in the water; in the third growth stage, there are a lot of cyanobacteria in the water and the crops are close to each other. Then 3 image datasets are used to test the algorithm. The images of the datasets are taken in a paddy field in South China Agricultural University. The test result shows that the highest accuracy rates are 87%, 89% and 85% respectively in the first, second and third growth stage. It also shows that the runtime of the algorithm is 352 ms in the first growth stage, 405 ms in the second growth stage and 563 ms in the third growth stage. The results indicate that not only the algorithm is able to detect the guidance lines accurately but also the run time of this algorithm is acceptable.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第20期165-171,共7页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 广东省省级科技计划项目(2014A020208018) 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2012B091100145)联合资助
关键词 作物 自适应算法 图像处理 SUSAN角点 中心线提取 秧苗 HOUGH变换 crops adaptive algorithm image process SUSAN corner centerlines detection rice seedlings Hough transform
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