有着深厚中国传统文化根基的毛泽东 ,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法 ,在致力于中国文化建设中 ,表现出强烈的文化创新意识。这种文化创新的根本前提是辩证唯物主义文化本质观的确立 ,并且提出文化是广大劳动人民创造、文化必须为人民大众服务的思想 ,使文化建设的根本目的立足于促进生产力的发展和满足人民群众的文化需要 。
With his solid foundation in Chinese traditional culture, Mao Zedong manifests considerable sense of cultural creativity while he is devoted, to the construction of Chinese culture under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. His cultural creativity is predicated on the establishment of dialectical materialism cultural outlook. He advacates that culture is created by the working people and thus in turn should serve people, He also proposes that cultural construction should aim at promoting the productive force and meeting the cultural demands of the working people ,and that it should represent the progress of advanced culture and the essential interests of the working people.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University