

The CPUSA 30th National Convention:New Chairman,New Members,and New Missions
摘要 2014年6月13日—15日,美国共产党第30次全国代表大会在伊利诺伊大学召开。大会的基调是"建立一个现代化的、成熟的、有战斗力的群众性政党",大会宣言是"民众和自然高于利润——助建一种能变革美国的运动"。与以往相比,本次大会展现出三个亮点:新主席、新党员、新使命。美共在本次大会上所做的战略调整表明其越来越远离激进式的革命道路,加快走向渐进式变革的改良道路。 The Communist Party USA held its 30th National Convention at the University of Illinois in Chicago on June 13-1 5th,2014.The keynote of convention was “to found a modern,mature,militant,and mass party".The manifesto of the convention was “to put people and nature before profits:helping to put forward a campaign for transforming the USA".Compared to the previous conventions,there were three luminous points worthy of being focused on:new chairman,new members and new missions.At this convention,the CPUSA adjusted its strategy which demonstrated the CPUSA had been becoming more and more far away from the path of radical revolution and speeding up its steps toward a way to gradual reform.
作者 刘雅贤
出处 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology of Suzhou:Social Science
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目"中美共产党党际关系研究"(11DJC004) 江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目"中国特色社会主义理论体系进大学生头脑的有效路径研究"(2013SJB710022)
关键词 美国共产党 30 次全国代表大会 新使命 CPUSA the 30th National Convention new missions
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