
资源丰裕区域产业多元化战略选择与经济绩效:迪拜与阿布扎比的比较研究 被引量:3

Comparative Studies on Products Diversification Strategies and their Economic Performances between Dubai and Abu Dhabi as the Regions with Abundant Natural Resources
摘要 产业多元化是资源丰裕国家/区域打破"资源诅咒"的主要途径,但产业多元化战略选择以及相应的制度安排存在差异,则经济绩效会有明显差距。本文以迪拜和阿布扎比为例,从两个酋长国多元化战略以及收益分配制度、发展战略、财政税收政策、自由贸易政策和制度环境等角度,探讨其多元化绩效差异的原因。从两个酋长国宏观经济、产业结构、就业结构、出口结构等角度揭示两国产业多元化绩效的差异,在此基础上,对资源丰裕国家/区域如何推进多元化提出政策建议。 Products diversification is an important way to escape resource curse in the countries or regions with abundant natural resources. The economic performances are different if not the same diversification strategies and related policies are adopted. The thesis takes Dubai and Abu Dhabi as examples, analyzes diversification strategies and revenue distributions, fiscal systems, free trades and system environment, probes into the causes on different economic performances. It reveals the differences on economic performances between the two United Arab Emirates based on macroeconomics, industrial structure, employment structure, export structure and so on. Finally it puts forward some policy proposals on how to push products diversification in the countries or regions with abundant natural resources.
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 2015年第5期1-10,共10页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"资源型区域破解经济发展与环境约束难题对策研究"(10AJL009) 山西省软科学项目"资源型区域科技创新内生化机制研究"(2013041004-01)的阶段性成果
关键词 资源丰裕区域 产业多元化 迪拜 阿布扎比 资源诅咒 regions with abundant natural resources products diversification Dubai Abu Dhabi resource curse
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