设计了一款基于MCU控制的开关电源稳压电路,该系统主要由整流滤波电路、推挽式功率变换电路和控制电路组成,并通过MCU调节PWM控制开关电源输出电压。MCU输出的数字信号通过DAC0832转换为模拟信号,该模拟信号作为开关控制芯片SG3525第二管脚的基准电压,SG3525根据基准电压的变化自动产生PWM控制脉冲,调节开关管的输出脉宽,从而达到调节输出电压的目的。实验表明,输出电压可调范围为28~36 V,最大输出电流Imax=15 A,开关电源的效率为η=89%。
A voltage regulator circuit of the switching power supply based on MCU control was designed, which is composed of rectification filtering circuit, push-pull power conversion circuit and control circuit. In this circuit, the output voltage of the switching power supply is controlled by regulating PWM via the MCU. The digital signal output by MCU is converted into analog signal through the DAC0832. The analog signal is taken as the reference voltage of the second pin of the switching con- trol chip SG3525. SG3525 generates PWM control pulse automatically according to the variation of reference voltage to regulate the output pulse width of the switching tube, so the purpose of regulating the output voltage is achieved. The experimental results show that the output voltage adjustable range is 28-36 V, the maximum output current is 15 A, and the efficiency of the switching power supply is 89%.
Modern Electronics Technique