
Different Attitudes in Different Regions Aimed at Military Personnel in Turkey

Different Attitudes in Different Regions Aimed at Military Personnel in Turkey
摘要 Historically Turks had always relied on military power. The culture is rich with martial values to this day. Even each civilian is somewhat soldierly in a sense, in general. Nevertheless, in a more detailed analysis, in some territories of the country, the prestige enjoyed by the military is more intensive than the average, while in some other territories, respect for military people is much below the average tendency. One might infer that in the former category, it is a question of the regions where the inhabitants are mild, soft-spoken, and compatible. They accordingly admire discipline and display obedient attitudes vis-a-vis governmental authority ever since the Ottoman times, merely as a cultural and traditional trait. Those regions are certainly places where military people today are held in high esteem. In such locations, even the ideal profession for a little boy is indoctrinated as a military career, by the whole family or the surrounding social environment. It should be mentioned that in certain cities and towns, a substantial percentage of the population are represented by immigrants, who got re-patriated along the course of the near history, as the former Ottoman Empire began shrinking in territory due to loss of land, during successive wars. The crushing majority of the Muslim Ottoman subjects in those lost territories preferred leaving their property and escaping into the Anatolian mainland, rather than renouncing their belief and assimilating to the new political regime. Having suffered at the hands of foreign powers, those people have also been especially appreciative of the value of their own soldiers. As for the latter category, dislike of discipline and authority can be mainly attributed to the special social structure and historical circumstances.
作者 Sinan Caya
机构地区 lstanbul University
出处 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期510-518,共9页
关键词 ATTITUDE REGION MILITARY 军事力量 同态 军队 文化传统 历史进程 社会环境 政治制度 历史环境
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