Bone age assessment plays an important role in preventive medicine, clinical medicine, sports science and judicial field. With the rapid development of computer technology and image processing technology, image processing -based bone age recognizing system becomes the tendency for bone age assessment. In image processing, image preprocessing and image segmentation technology occupy a large proportion. Segmentation quality has a great influence on later image recognition. Currently there exist a variety of image segmentation methods. In this paper,in view of the bone age assessment system of X-ray finger bone,with the standard of CHN,8 out of 14 featured bones are chosen to study. One except the thumb is chosen to identify the division of the four finger bones, target detection based on Haar classifier is used to complete the recognition and segmentation of the bone. After the recognition, what is recorded is the coordinating information of finger edges. Segmentation of fingers clone on coordinate lays foundation for later marking of featured dots and calculating of feature value. Experimental results show that using Haar classifier for extracting finger recognition has high speed and higher accuracy.
Computer Technology and Development