

Medium frequency induction heating power supply design based on phase lock loop (PLL) and fixed angle control technology
摘要 介绍了一种利用锁相环路和固定角控制的新技术来自动追踪转换器的频率。此技术在分析并联逆变器工作状态的基础上,采用电压和电流双闭环整流控制。分析了IGBT中频感应加热电源经常发生的故障,并提出了相应的保护措施、设计了相应的保护电路。研制出100 k W/8 k Hz的并联感应加热电源,设计的控制方法经证实科学有效。 This paper introduces a kind of new method by using PLL and the fixed angle control to track the converter frequency automatically. Based on the analysis of the parallel inverter working status, this technique uses the voltage and current double closedloop rectifier control. Failure of IGBT medium frequency induction heating power supply that often occur are analyzed,and put forward corresponding protective measures,the corresponding protection circuit is designed.100 k W/8 k Hz parallel induction heating power is developed,the designed control method is proved to be scientific and effective.
作者 刘大朋
机构地区 四平职业大学
出处 《电焊机》 2015年第10期104-107,共4页 Electric Welding Machine
关键词 感应加热 IGBT 过电压保护 induction heating IGBT overvoltage protection
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