
Multimodal Semiotics Perspective on Literature Visualization

Multimodal Semiotics Perspective on Literature Visualization
摘要 Literature visualization has particular characteristics:multimodality in production;multimediality in the means of distribution;visualization of language forms.The basic changes of literature lie in mode- choosing orientation and potentials that language and image offer for making meaning.Under the framework of multimodal semiotics,image and language are two modes nestled among a multimodal ensemble.Each mode and the interactions between them have the potential to contribute equally to meaning.Elucidating "image-language relation" from multimodality can make it clear that the particular characteristics of image and language don't change;the former describes visual effect,the latter constructs image with imagination. Literature visualization has particular characteristics: multimodality in produc- tion ;multimediality in the means of distribution; visualization of language forms. The basic changes of literature lie in mode - choosing orientation and potentials that language and image offer for making meaning. Under the framework of multimodal semiotics,image and language are two modes nestled among a multimodal ensemble. Each mode and the interactions be- tween them have the potential to contribute equally to meaning. Elucidating "image - lan- guage relation" from multimodality can make it clear that the particular characteristics of image and language don ' t change ; the former describes visual effect, the latter constructs image with imagination.
作者 Kang Leiming
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期257-263,共7页 Academics
基金 funded by 2013 humanistic and social science research project of the Education Department of Anhui Province(2013AJRW0150) 2014 Planning Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Anhui Province(AHSKY2014D140) Project No.(JS2015HGXJ0074) Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
关键词 多模态 符号学 文学 形象化 相互作用 生产过程 多式联运 视觉效果 multimodal semiotics literature visualization image - language relation mode
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