为明确小麦体细胞无性系4-8(WS4-8)抗条锈病的遗传稳定性及抗性遗传特点,采用基因推导、抗性鉴定、遗传分析等方法对其进行了抗条锈性的鉴定和等位性分析。结果表明,WS4-8所携带的抗性基因与已知抗性基因不同;WS4-8的条锈病抗性表现优异,遗传稳定;用CY33小种对WS4-8和铭贤169的正交、反交组合F1和F2代植株人工接种鉴定表明,F1全部抗病,F2群体符合3R∶1S单基因控制的抗性遗传规律,WS4-8对CY33的抗性由1对显性核基因控制;用CY33对WS4-8分别与Yr5/6×Avocet S、Yr10/6×Avocet S、Yr15/6×Avocet S及92R137(Yr26)组配的杂交组合F1及F2代植株人工接种鉴定表明,F1全部抗病,而F2中有感病植株,说明WS4-8所携带的抗条锈病基因与Yr5、Yr10、Yr15、Yr26不等位。研究表明,WS4-8的抗条锈性是由1对显性核基因控制,与已知抗性基因不同,可能是一个新的抗条锈病基因。
Gene postulation,resistance identification and genetic analysis were applied to study the genetic stability and characteristics of the resistance to stripe rust in wheat somaclone 4-8( WS4-8). The results showed that the gene with the resistance to stripe rust conferred by WS4-8 was different from any other known genes so far,and the resistance was outstanding and stable; the genetic analysis and allelism test were conducted by inoculating all of the following materials with Chinese PST race CY33 at seedling stage. The F1,F2 and BC1populations constructed on the basis of hybridization between WS4-8 and a susceptible wheat line Mingxian 169,as well as their male and female parents; the F1 and F2populations constructed on the basis of hybridization of WS4-8 with Yr5 /6 × Avocet S,Yr10 /6 × Avocet S,Yr15 /6 ×Avocet S and 92R137( Yr26),respectively. The resistance to CY33 in WS4-8 was controlled by a single dominant nucleus gene,and the resistance gene in WS4-8 was different from one of the known genes Yr5,Yr10,Yr15 and Yr26 based on the allelism test. The gene in WS4-8 might be a novel gene for stripe rust resistance.
Journal of Plant Protection