
1对1学习环境中的师生感知研究 被引量:6

A Research towards Teacher and Student's Perception of 1:1 Learning Environment
摘要 该文通过1对1学习环境测量量表测量了两个省会城市中4个中小学校的8个平板电脑班级师生对教室学习环境的感知水平。师生对于平板电脑为终端的教室具备的学习环境开放性、空间设计灵活性、人际关系平等性、人机(环境)体验良好性等特征有较高的感知水平,而对于学习平台使用和个性化学习活动开展等感知水平较低。平板电脑教室通过学习平台应用和公平的学习机会支持了个性化、探究性和合作化学习活动的开展,学习平台和教室技术环境共同提供了良好的用户学习体验。然而,平板电脑教室对于师生情感体验和人际关系贡献度远大于其对技术应用体验和自主学习活动的贡献度。结合课堂观察研究发现这种差距源于学习平台对学习过程性数据的管理、追踪及分析水平低下以及师生信息化创新教学水平的欠缺,因而应当加强对平板电脑教室智能学习平台建设水平和教师利用信息技术开展线上线下混合式教学设计的能力。 Using the Smart Classroom Scale(SCS), this study surveyed the teacher and student's perception of tablet PCs classroom in 8 classes of 4 elementary and secondary schools from 2 provincial capitals cities. The study found that teacher and student had higher perception of such features as openness of learning environment, flexible design in learning space, equality of human relations, and positive experience in human-compute interaction in the tablet PCs classroom, and they had the lower perception of using learning platform and personalized learning activities. The tablet PC classroom supported the development of personalized, inquiry and cooperative learning activities through the application of the learning platform and the equitable learning opportunities, as well as the learning platform and technological environment supported the good learning experience. However, the tablet PC classroom's contribution to teacher and student emotional experience and interpersonal relationship was much greater than its to the technology application and self-regulated learning activities. The study ascribed it to the low performance of learning platform in managing, tracing, and analyzing of learning process data, and the low level of teacher's innovation of e-learning. The study suggested that the smart learning platform in tablet PC classroom, and the teachers 'ability to design online and offline hybrid lessons need to be strengthened.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期110-115,共6页 China Educational Technology
基金 2014年度教育部人文社会科学研究"智慧教室的智能模型与评估工具研究"(项目编号:14YJC880025) 2014年度北京市教育科学"十二五"规划课题"北京市中小学师生对智慧教室环境感知研究"(课题编号:CJA14186)的研究成果
关键词 1对1学习环境 平板电脑教室 学习平台 自主学习 学习体验 1:1 Learning Environment Tablet PC Classroom Learning Platform Self-regulated Learning Learning Experience
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