
开放经济条件下的中国战略能力 被引量:5

China's Strategic Capacity under the Condition of Open Economy
摘要 国家战略能力指国家规划安全目标并运用各种资源实现其战略安全目标的素质与实力,国家实力是国家战略能力的基础,而实力强大的国家也常因战略能力的缺失导致国家安全利益受损,战略能力体现了国家的战略与执行能力水平。开放经济条件下的中国战略能力的培养首先要提升国家战略汲取能力和战略控制能力,并使二者协调发展;同时要使国家迅速增长的实力能有效转化为要素性战略能力,还要克服国家权力资源不平衡发展、不对称对外依赖以及国际体系的变革导致的对结构性战略能力的弱化。 State strategic capacity bases on national strength. It refers to the quality and strength of the central government of nation sate using all kinds of resources to initiate and to im- plement its policies. State strategic capacity reflects the quality and ability of nation-state central government. Control capacity and extraction capacity are two basic factors of state strategic capac- ity. National strength focuses on one country resources endowment and the social structure and it reflects the national comparative advantage, but state strategic capacity is for the effective use of the strength of a country which embodies the national competitive advantage. State strategic ca- pacity is not necessarily synchronous enhanced with the country strength growth and it reflects the competitive advantage of one country. State strategic strategic capacity requires conscious planning and cultivatingand nation state with same strength often shows very different capaci- ty. State capacity can be showed only through the interaction with other nation state and interna- tional system. Under the condition of open economy of globalization, China's strtegic capacity must be cultivated both at home and abroad as a whole and mobilize all kinds of favorable factors, meanwhile overcomes resource imbalance development of country strength and the bottleneck caused by the asymmetric external dependence.
作者 雷建锋
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期59-66,共8页 Teaching and Research
基金 外交学院"中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"一般项目"治理型周边外交与中国战略能力成长研究"(项目号:3162015ZYQB06)的阶段性成果
关键词 中国战略能力 国家实力 开放经济 国际体系 strategic capacity open economy control capacity extraction capacity
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