
如何理解国家治理现代化——以民主行政理论为中心 被引量:8

How to Understand the Modernization of State Governance:A Study of Democratic Administration Theory
摘要 现代国家的产生伴随着两个重要的历史进程,即行政从政治中分离与责任制政府的建立。对脱胎于行政学的民主行政理论进行梳理,有利于揭示现代国家建设的逻辑。民主行政理论的演进过程表明,分权始终是它在操作层面所追求的目标,而分权导致了问责的碎片化。这两者构成了现代国家建设的基本任务,国家治理现代化需要遵循这种逻辑。行政理论致力于确定性的探索,民主行政亦然。这有助于更新民主的内涵:它是人类解决公共问题的宝贵知识。 The come into being of modem state is accompanied by two important historical processes, namely the establish- ment of responsible government and the separation of administration from politics. The study of democratic ad- ministration theory,which comes from public administration, may help reveal the logic of state - building. The evolution of democratic administration theory suggests that, decentralization is always the goal of democratic ad- ministration at the operational level, and which led to the fragmentation of accountability consequently. Both of them constitute the basic task of the state - building, and the modernization of state governance needs to follow this logic. Public administration dedicates to the exploration of certainty, and the same to democratic adminis- tration. This helps to update the connotation of democracy: it is a valuable knowledge to solve public problems of human being.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期50-55,共6页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 教育部规划基金项目"地方政府责任与问责制研究:组织和政策过程视角"(编号HO113016)
关键词 民主行政 国家治理现代化 问责制 democratic administration, modernization of state governance, accountability system
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