
基于和谐主题漂移的团队社会资本整合优化 被引量:2

Integration and optimization of team's social capital based on harmonic theme drifting
摘要 为应对"动机不纯"、"近亲繁殖"、"拉帮结派"等多种团队管理难题,结构化、主题化、动态化实现创新团队社会资本关系的系统整合优化,在梳理提炼社会资本关系界面内涵、存在形式、关联特征和表现特质的基础上,结合对社会资本关系强度差序化作用及和谐管理主题辨识的思考,提出应用社会资本关系平等度划分社会资本关系管理主题的思路,给出无层次/交叉层次/有层次三种类型社会资本关系的概念。借鉴能够系统整合团队复杂界面关联的ANP方法,构造改进现有累积前景方法、能够实现和谐主题动态辨识及优化的CPT-ANP决策方法,并进行案例应用。案例应用结果表明,所构建的网络整合优化方法有效可行,能够为应对系列团队管理难题提供决策依据。 In order to provide decision reference for many team management challenges like"action with mixed motives","team expansion with inbreeding","member gathers in cliques",the paper studies the systemic integration and dynamic optimization of innovation teams' social capital based on the structure abstraction of social capital relationship interface connotation,existence form,associated features and performance characteristics,combines the thinking of social capital relationship differential strength effects and ideas about harmonic theme identification,puts forward the thinking of divide social capital management theme by applying relationship equality degree and givesthe three types of social capital relationship concept in the"equal level,interactional level,and hierarchical level". Reference may be made to the ANP method that can systemic integrate team complex interface relation,and construct a CPT- ANP decision making method to improve the existing Cumulative Prospect Theory which can realize harmonic theme dynamic identification and optimization. The case application indicates that the proposed method is feasible to application and instructive to guide innovation team management.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期153-160,共8页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目:基于界面管理的创新团队和谐管理机制构建研究(编号:71263031) 2013.01-2016.12 云南省博士研究生学术新人奖资助
关键词 创新团队 社会资本关系 网络整合优化 和谐主题漂移 innovation team social capital relationship network integration and optimization harmonic theme drifting
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