
浅谈挪威船级社CO_2管道泄漏实验 被引量:1

Brief Discussion on the Experiments of CO_2 Pipeline Leakage of Norway DNV
摘要 管道输送作为所捕集的CO_2与利用封存场地的纽带,在碳捕集、驱油与封存项目中起着重要的作用。鉴于我国CO_2长输管道的设计标准和规范处于空白,文章对挪威船级社于2006年和2010年的管道泄漏实验进行归纳总结,介绍了工业规模泄放实验的研究目的、实验装置、恒压及泄压释放的操作流程、管道内对压力和温度的监测布点以及大气中对CO_2浓度监测的布点方式等。这为我国研究人员开展CO_2管道泄放的实验设计及研究方法提供了参考借鉴,有助于加快我国CO_2管道输送安全性研究的步伐。 CO_2 pipeline transportation as the link between CO_2 capture and storage plays an important role in CCS-EOR projects.Considering there is yet no CO_2 pipeline design standard in China,this paper is aimed at discussion the learnt from DNV CO_2 pipeline leakage experiment in 2006 and 2010,including the discharge of industrial scale test,the purpose of the study,experimental device,the operation process of release under constant and discharge pressure,the monitoring of temperature and pressure in the pipe,and the CO_2 concentration monitoring during the atmosphere,which would provide a reference for the experimental design and research methods of CO_2 pipeline leakage,and could help to accelerate the research on the safety of CO_2 pipeline transportation in China.
出处 《油气田环境保护》 CAS 2015年第5期14-17,90-91,共4页 Environmental Protection of Oil & Gas Fields
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41378088) "十二五"国家科技支撑项目(2012BAC24B05) 中国地质调查项目(12120113006600) 中国博士后基金第55批面上项目(2014M550371) 胜利石油管理局博士后基金
关键词 挪威船级社 CO_2 管道输送 泄漏风险 DNV CO_2 pipeline transportation leakage risk
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