
员工整体薪酬感知结构化及其对组织认同的影响——来自双因素理论的解释 被引量:19

Research on Total Rewards Perception Conceptualization and the Impact on Organizational Identification——Explanation from the Motivation-Hygiene Theory
摘要 本文基于美国薪酬协会提出的整体薪酬五因素模型,设计并形成了整体薪酬初始量表,经过对来自全国30个省市自治区、303家非国有企业的1638份问卷折半后的探索性因子分析,发现其中的"福利"与"工作生活平衡"存在题项萃取交叉现象。分析认为,五因素划分可能存在互斥性不够问题。因此,本文从概念出发,引入双因素理论,将整体薪酬结构化为包括外在薪酬感知和内在薪酬感知两个维度共四个因素的整体薪酬感知概念,并用另一组折半样本数据进行分析检验,互为佐证,得到具有良好结构效度与信度的整体薪酬感知量表。用全样本数据研究了整体薪酬感知四因素与组织认同的关系,数据分析支持外在薪酬感知与内在薪酬感知对组织认同都有显著正向影响,但显著程度和影响程度前者都小于后者的假设;且外在薪酬感知两因素中,工资水平感知大于工作条件感知对组织认同的影响;内在薪酬两因素中,发展与职业机会感知对组织认同的影响大于工作生活平衡感知对组织认同的影响。关于员工个体特征因素对整体薪酬感知的差异研究表明,女性员工、农民工、新员工和受教育程度较低员工对整体薪酬的感知显著低于对立群体员工。研究结果对推进有关整体薪酬概念的研究、发展与应用有所贡献,也为组织设计具有竞争力的整体薪酬模块包提供了启示和指导。同时,基于当前中国经济情境,为非国有企业薪酬系统设计提供了指导。 Total Rewards (TR) practice in business cored in rewards customization has become a trend of em- ployees' rewards management. However, the conceptualization of TR has not reached a consensus yet in academic research field. Definition of TR from WorldatWork reflects employee-oriented inclination of TR, and in the practice of organizations, TR generates from the contradiction between the diversity of employees' needs and the consolida- tion of organizational rewards system designing. Employees can choose favorite rewards module package if organiza- tion can design the customized rewards system which will maximize the value of rewards costs. Therefore, this paper designed and formed the TR original scale based the five-dimension-model from WorldatWork. Through the explora- tory factor analysis on half of the 1638 questionnaires coming from 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China, it is found that the items included in the two dimensions of "welfare" and "work life balance" are cross extracted. It is suspected that the five dimensions not to been distinguished exclusively enough. Therefore, considering the employee-oriented definition of TR, by applying the Motivation-Hygiene Theory, TR is conceptualized as Total Re- wards Perception (TRP) covering four factors involved in the two dimensions of extrinsic rewards perception and in- trinsic rewards perception, and extrinsic rewards perception has two factors including pay level perception and workplace condition perception while intrinsic rewards perception comprises the other two factors of work and life balance perception and development and career perception. The result is testified through EFA and CFA using two halves of above data respectively. Finally, a TRP scale being acceptable structure validity and reliability is ob- tained. To examine discrimination validity between TRP and other affective variables and put it onto practice, TRP' s impact on organizational identification and employees individual characteristics impact on the level of TRP are also been discussed. The relationship between four factors of TRP and organizational identification was studied with total questionnaire data. The result is argued that both of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards perception has significant posi- tive effects on organizational identification, but their extent and significance, the former is less than the latter. Mo- reover, the impact of pay level perception is larger than workplace condition perception on organizational identifica- tion in extrinsic rewards perception, and in intrinsic rewards perception, development and career perception has larger impact on organizational identification than work and life balance. Study on the difference of the impact em- ployees' individual characteristics on TRP revealed that, TRP of female, migrant, new and low-education-level employees are significantly lower than the opposing groups of employees. Current study will contribute to further re- search, development and application of the concept TR and TRP, also be helpful for organizations to design com- petitive rewards module package. Besides, it also guides Chinese non-state-owned enterprises to design adaptable rewards system based on current economic background. Organization should pay more attention on intrinsic rewards and keep extrinsic rewards on the trace of social norms and industry dynamic. The application of TR views in China should consider the differences of Sino-US economic background. For the majority of the Chinese non-state-owned enterprises, rewards system designing should not only consider attracting core talents;also should focus more on the staff like migrant workers and low--education-level employees. The enterprises should also design some rewards modules package match their quality and ability aiming at current problem of their TRP being lower so as to improve total organizational identification.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期63-73,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"我国非国有企业薪酬 盈利与吸纳农业劳动力研究--非国有企业管理方式转变与对劳动就业管理基础理论的发展"(71373149)
关键词 整体薪酬 整体薪酬感知 双因素理论 组织认同 total rewards total rewards perception Motivation-Hygiene Theory organizational identification
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