对4种鳢属(Channa)鱼类共108个个体的16SrRNA基因进行PCR扩增,经比对校正得到572bp(C.striata)和573bp(C.argus,C.maculata,C.asiatica)的基因片段,共检测到10个单倍型,4种鳢所有单倍型之间共存在1个插入/缺失;此外有63个变异位点,其中简约信息位点60个,序列表现出明显的A偏倚;多态位点比例为11.2%;序列中转换多于颠换,转换/颠换之比为1.4。基于Kimura双参数法,计算的种间遗传距离介于0.021[乌鳢(C.argus)与斑鳢(C.maculata)之间]到0.079[乌鳢(C.argus)与线鳢(C.striata)之间、斑鳢(C.maculata)与线鳢(C.striata)之间]。以非洲真副鳢(Parachanna insignis)为外群构建的NJ树和ML树中,线鳢位于进化树的基部,表明线鳢是最早分化出来的种;进化树显示乌鳢和斑鳢亲缘关系最近,表明2个种分化较晚。
To evaluate the phylogenetic relationship of 4 Channa species( C. argus,C.maculata,C. asiatica,C. striata) in China,the mitochondrial 16 S rRNA genes of 108 individuals were amplified by using PCR amplification. About 600 bp fragments were obtained and sequenced. After alignment,a fragment of 572 bp or 573 bp nucleotide sequence which could be used for sequence analysis was obtained. Among about 570 aligned base pairs,1 insertions / deletions and 63 variable sites were detected. The mutation types were mainly transitions and transversions( transitions / transversions = 1. 4). 10 haplotypes were obtained. The genetic distances between haplotypes ranged from 0. 021 to 0. 079 among species. Molecular phylogenetic tree was constructed by NJ and ML methods based on 16 S rRNA gene sequences,with Parachanna insignis as outgroup. The lowest interspecific distance( 0. 021) was between C. argus and C. maculata while C. striata is basal in the NJ and ML tree. The result showed that C. striata was the earliest differentiated species while C. argus and C. maculata were the latest species differentiation.