

Valuable and rare Tanzanite sole production place Ianzania
摘要 电影《泰坦尼克号》女主角温斯莱特佩戴的一颗巨大的蓝宝石吊坠"海洋之心",让坦桑石项链一夜间风靡全球。2013年中国(长沙)首届国际矿物宝石博览会上,就展出了"海洋之心"原石——坦桑石,惊艳全场,引发了一股坦桑石风潮。坦桑尼亚这个国家,也因为这种宝石而闻名于世。坦桑尼亚位于非洲东部、赤道以南,自然环境十分独特,无论是高山、深谷、还是湖泊均为非洲之最。 Tanzania is located east of Africa.It has very special natural environment.Regardless of high mountains,deep valleys and lakes,they all are the greatest in Africa.Tanzania is full of some very valuable,rare kind of gems.Among them are the most famous Tanzanite.Tanzanite is an extraordinary gemstone.It occurs in only one place worldwide.Its blue,surrounded by a fine hint of purple,is a wonderful colour.Thanks to its unusual aura,it has rapidly become one of the most coveted gemstones in the world.It is named after the East African state of Tanzania,the only place in the world where it has been found.Africa is a continent which provides the world with a multitude of truly magnificent gemstones,like tanzanite for example.On its discovery in 1967,it was enthusiastically celebrated by the specialists as the "gemstone of the 20 th century".They held their breath in excitement as they caught sight of the first deep-blue crystals which had been found in the Merelani Hills near Arusha in the north of Tanzania.The precious crystals grew in deposits on the inside of these unusual elevations.For a long,long time they were hidden from the eye of Man,until one day some passing Masai shepherds noticed some sparkling crystals lying in the sun and took them along with them.Tanzanite is a blue variety of the gemstone zoisite.It consists of calcium aluminium silicate and is not particularly hard,having a value of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale.For that reason,it should always be worn carefully and never placed in an ultrasonic bath for cleaning or brought into contact with acids.A tanzanite will continue to fascinate with its unusual,captivating aura.Its deep blue with the slightly purple tinge is one of the most extravagant colours known to Man.It personifies immaculate,yet unconventional elegance.A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set himself apart from the hoi polloi.A person who wears it exudes confidence and individuality.The almost magical colour of a perfectly cut tanzanite is one that not only suits confident young women;it is also excellently suited to underlining the individuality of the more mature woman.What makes this stone so popular? Is it simply that fantastic colour? No,it is also the exclusivity of its origin.The stone is particularly highly prized because it is found in only one place in the whole world.The idea of possessing something that not everyone has always been one of the main criteria in the way we esteem special gems.
作者 Pei Haiyan
出处 《宝藏》 2015年第8期136-137 23,23,共3页
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