

2016 Tucson Gem and Mineral Shows
摘要 世界规模最大、历史最久、影响最广的矿物化石宝石专业展会——2016年图森矿物宝石展于今年2月举办,全球的爱好者、专业人士、展商等聚集、聚焦在这座沙漠之城,共襄全球矿物宝石的盛宴。延续传统,今年的图森展依然是由40余个不同规模的展会同时举行,展位数近万个,汇聚了来自世界上百个国家和地区的十几万业内买家前来采购。难能可贵的是,展会同时还为业余爱好者和"菜鸟" Every February,mobs of rock holders,gem dealers,paleontologists,Native Americans,geologists and the Just plain curious converge on Tucson,Arizona for the annual Gem&Mineral Show.During the Winter 2015 Tucson Gem,Mineral and Fossil event,over 30 different independently owned and operated shows are held during the month,with over 3,000 exhibitors citywide.The colossal Tucson Mineral Show is by far the largest gem and mineral show on earth.It is not a single show or held at a single location.The Tucson Show consists of dozens of major independent shows held at various locations throughout the city.Some of the finest mineral specimens known to exist in the world are displayed at the show.Besides those for sale,there are displays by museums,noted collectors and dealers,and competitive displays from expert and beginning collectors,which many regard as the show’s highlight.An estimated 45,000+people from more than 20 countries attend this event held in early February.More than 25 museums and universities from around the world,including the Smithsonian Institution,the American Museum of Natural History,and the Sorbonne in Paris bring special collections and displays to the show.Lectures are presented by eminent curators,mineralogists and hobbyists on collecting,photography,mineralogy and other topics.The show also includes a Saturday night dinner and awards program for professional,amateur and Junior competitive exhibitors,including the Paul Desautels Trophy for the finest crystallized mineral specimens;the Lidstrom Memorial Trophy for the best single specimen;and the Neal Yedlin Memorial Trophy for the best micromount display.While some shows are reserved for wholesalers only,most are free and open to the public—giving Tucsonans fun,although sometimes costly,places to browse and shop.The shows sell everything from small bags of polished rocks for a few dollars to gems and museum-like pieces for tens of thousands of dollars.This year,the event has five added shows,both small and large.While the number is less than the peak of 49 shows in 2007,the increase is a sign that the showcase has bounced back from the recession.One new show,International Gem and Jewelry Show,will feature items for celebrity lovers—Jewelry owned by stars,including Elvis,Elton John and Marilyn Monroe.Former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis’cigarette case will be shown,as well as the Duke of Windsor’s cufflinks.Not all shows are that big.Another new one,the Oracle Road Just Mineral Event,began when organizer Isaias Casanova called his colleagues in the mineral business and convinced six or seven of them from around the country to set up shop for three days at the Elks Lodge.Usually,the main show has a theme,like a specific mineral or a place.But this year’s theme is more broad and simple—"Shades of Blue:Minerals of the World."The blue theme is expected to splinter off into the other areas,as well."I think this year is going to be very special because the theme this year is blue minerals,which opens up a whole can of pretty worms,"said Casanova,who is organizing the Oracle show."I think the exhibits will be out of this world."
出处 《宝藏》 2016年第4期136-139,19,共5页
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