
大美玉山 怀珠蕴玉

The Great Beauty of Yushan
摘要 玉山县位于江西省东北部,是赣浙闽三省的交通要冲,素有"两江锁钥、八省通衢"之称,因境内有"天帝遗玉,山神藏焉"的怀玉山而得名,玉山以其得天独厚的自然景观和丰富的人文景观,被著名家郁达夫誉为"东方威尼斯"走进玉山,随处都可以感受到"冰为溪水玉为山"、"半江青山半江城"的风情。距县城50公里的著名道教文化名山——三清山,是大自然赐于玉山的天然宝库,以苦峰、怪石、神光、彩瀑构成独特景观,冠绝于世。三清山下的三清湖,风光旖旎,胜景迭出,美不胜收。 Yushan County is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, is the hub of Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, known as the "two rivers and the lock and key, eight provinces thoroughfare",because of "the emperor of heaven left jade in this territory",so Yushan named. Yushan is famous for its unique natural landscape and rich cultural landscape. The famous writer Yu Dafu once reputed Yushan as the "Oriental Venice".In Yushan, you can feel the "ice performs stream and Jade consists of Mountain", "semi water and semi county " style. 50 kilometers from the county seat of the famous Taoist culture: Mount Sanqingshan. Mount Sanqingshan is the gift of nature in Yushan’s natural treasures, towering peaks, strange stones, magic lights and colorful waterfall constitute a unique landscape. The Sanqing mountain lake, an exquisite scenery, beautiful scenery, quiet one after another, especially treacherous playsome Rock River, wonders beyond count cave, has become a new tourist attractions.Tourism corridor connecting Mount Sanqingshan with Yushan because of brilliant, beautiful,pleasant climate, has become a good place for literati reading and learning and the mountain Huaiyu college has worked with four South College as Zhu Xi, a famous Confucian scholar in Southern Song Dynasty, Lu Jiuyuan, Lv Zuqian, Wang Yingchen, Cheng Hong, Lu Wenan and many other celebrities have come to this lecture. Due to the great influence of Yushan Academy with jade, Yushan people respect culture and pay more attention to teaching style throughout the urban and rural areas, so Yushan is famous for "doctor of the township".
出处 《宝藏》 2016年第8期32-33,16-17,共4页
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