

China International Jewelry Fair be held in Beijing Grand Opening
摘要 由中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会与国土资源部珠宝玉石首饰管理中心联合主办的2016中国国际珠宝展于11月10日在北京中国国际展览中心盛大开幕。本次展览的展览面积60000平方米,近3000个展位,有来自斯里兰卡、泰国、韩国、波兰、日本、德国、意大利、瑞士、印度、美国、法国、俄罗斯、希腊、立陶宛、澳大利亚、中国香港和台湾等24个国家和地区的1167家参展商参展。在全球经济增长放缓的背景下, 2016 China international jewelry exhibition,it is one of China’s three biggest jewelry;it is the largest professional jewelry of northern winter!There are 60000 square meters exhibition area,and more than 2200 exhibitors.The exhibition focus on jewelry production,dealers,and society,the media,and the public exchange set the aim of the trading platform,The exhibition invited the United States,South Korea,China,Taiwan,Hong Kong,Sri Lanka,such as jewelry outstanding enterprises in China and abroad,it is going to show the latest jewelry industry trends and new product release,it is promoting the development of jewelry market and brand with high-speed.2016 China international jewelry exhibition is the latest squad holding kicks off,lots of new points will let you unforgettable:International experts lecture,Beautiful models deduce luxury,and live auctions such as many concurrent activities,live promoted invite you to share!Professional buyers come to purchase in groups,50.000 purchasers and professional buyers from home and abroad.It will build an excellent platform for negotiation and interaction.In the opening ceremony,Leaders present,large-scale performances,and the 30.000 scene spectators collection bring about a boom on the spot and numerous business opportunities.Once a year the"Tiangong Award"is still the highlight of the exhibition,from 2002 the first"Tiangong Award"to today,after 15 years of growth,"Tiangong Award"has become the cradle of Chinese cutting-edge jade division touchstone and master jade division,has become the most able to show the overall level of Contemporary jade carving of a Chinese art feast.Through this pattern,with a high standard,both academic and market vision platform selection,contemporary jade carving has Chinese groups rapidly and healthily grow up.
作者 裴海燕
出处 《宝藏》 2016年第12期144-145,15,共3页
关键词 珠宝展
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