
大型基础设施项目治理结构对其风险管理的影响研究 被引量:3

Effects of Project Governance Structures on Risk Management in Large Infrastructure Construction Projects
摘要 大型基础设施工程具有高难度高风险的特点,尽管对项目风险管理方面的研究已经有很多,但是大多缺乏深入的案例分析。为弥补前人研究的不足,采用跨案例研究的方法对宜万铁路工程和新西兰奥克兰北岸收费高速公路项目两个大型基础工程进行了比较分析,发现集权独立治理结构强调自上而下的风险分担特点,而联盟治理结构鼓励建立风险预警机制的特点。解释了不同的治理结构及关键因素对风险管理的影响。研究结果进一步加深了人们对项目组织与风险管理关系的理解,为项目管理者在决策选用何种项目治理结构来达到目标风险管理提供了参考。 High risks are common in large infrastructure projects. Despite many achievements in project risk management research,in-depth case studies were lack. A cross-case study between two cases was conducted:one was the China Yi-wan railway construction project and the other was new zealand northern gateway toll road project. The analysis showed that a centralized,single-agent governance allocates risks from top to bottom whereas an alliance governance structure encouraged proactive solutions to risk sharing. The study clarified how different governance structure and key elements influence management of project risks. The research outcomes contribute to an improved understanding of project organizations and project risk management. Some suggestions are given on how to choose appropriate project governance arrangements to reduce varies risks.
出处 《工程管理学报》 2015年第5期56-60,共5页 Journal of Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51008073) 第55批中国博士后科学基金面上资助(二等) 江苏省博士后科研资助计划(1302097C)
关键词 项目治理结构 风险管理 基础设施建设 跨案例研究 project governance risk management infrastructure construction projects cross-case study
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