

Anti partial-band noise jamming interleaved hybrid spread spectrum system design and capacity analysis
摘要 为提高抗部分频带干扰的能力,在直接跳扩(DS/FH)的基础上提出一种交织跳扩(IDS/FH)系统,引入多跳间交织器实现码片的离散化,获得时频分集增益。通过将部分频带干扰下的跳扩系统等效为衰落条件下的单输入多输出(SIMO)系统,分别对DS/FH和IDS/FH的信道容量进行分析,得出部分频带干扰和高斯信道下的容量表达式,并给出了IDS/FH在部分频带干扰下的最佳接收方案。理论分析得出,在50%的强部分频带干扰,信噪比为10dB的Gauss信道下,IDS/FH的容量比DS/FH的提高49%。仿真结果表明:50%部分频带干扰下IDS/FH可达到的最低误码率比DS/FH的降低2个数量级。 Anti partial-band noise jamming(PBNJ)is improved by an interleaved direct sequence/frequency-hopping(IDS/FH)system based on the traditional direct sequence/frequency-hopping(DS/FH)spread spectrum method.An interleaver crossing multiple hops improves the time-frequency diversity gain. The system capacities with PBNJ are compared to a single-input multiple-output(SIMO)system with additive Gaussian white noise(AWGN)in a fading environment.An optimum IDS/FH receiver is also given.Theoretical analyses indicate that,when the PBNJ occupies 50% of the entire frequency band and the SNR is 10 dB,the IDS/FH capacity is 49% higher than that of DS/FH.Simulations show that the achievable lowest bit error rate of IDS/FH is two orders of magnitude lower than that of DS/FH with 50% PBNJ.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期866-872,共7页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(61231011) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(91338101)
关键词 跳扩技术 部分频带干扰 单输入多输出系统 交织 信道容量 direct sequence/frequency hopping partial-band noise jamming single-input multiple-output system interleave channel capacity
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