Liang Xiaosheng's TV series—— 'Educated Urban Youth'and'The Era of Back to the City',w hich based on the novel of the same name,have caused 'hit'phenomenon. This also caused people to concern about Liang Xiaosheng educated urban youth literary w riting once more. To sum up,for Liang Xiaosheng 's educated urban youth narrative,there are tw o critical voices. People w ith positive opinion consider idealism and heroism of Liang Xiaosheng's w ritings as the author's 'w onder youth'. People w ith negative opinion think the idealism and heroism of the author's youth coming from its'conception misunderstanding'and'value misunderstanding'. These tw o view s above,in fact,are 'misreading'Liang Xiaosheng. The former failed to find Liang Xiaosheng 's educated urban youth narrative has considerable 'endorsement limitations '. That is to say,there is great obstacles of description actually betw een the autho r's educated urban youth narrative and educated urban youth history. The latter,w hich failed to find Liang Xiaosheng's idealistic educated urban youth,in addition to the author's personal reasons,w ere mainly from the youth movement itself. Whether early educated urban youth movement,or the educated urban youth movement of Cultural Revolution,w as all about idealism. And no matter w hat the educated urban youth movement is,it w as the youth process of that generation of educated urban youth. Other than'Tw o M isunderstandings',w e hold that Liang Xiaosheng's educated urban youth narrative should be considered only as his personal understanding and explanation of educated urban youth and educated urban youth movement. As for educated urban youth and educated urban youth movement,its understanding and explanation should not be narrow ed,it should and certainly be of great diversity.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
Liang Xiaosheng
educated youngth literature
educated urban youth idealism
value misunderstanding
corps educated urban youth
rusticating educated urban youth