Russian Peasants Reform of 1861 w as not only a result of struggle and compromise of a variety of interests and ideologies,but also w as the starting point for subsequent reforms. This reform had its ow n multiple meanings,and the Russian elite often made different interpretations based on their conceptions. Coupled w ith the insufficiency of objective materials on the Russian countryside,the Russian government and society lacked of clear understanding on the direction of rural reform. Some governmental dignitaries tried to change the principles of the 1861 reform,pushing peasants from the commune land ow nership into household land ow nership,but did not succeed. In the late 1870 s and early1880 s,w ith the emergence of Russia's agricultural crisis,the Russian society and government paid more attention to the peasants' problems. The Russian government tried to reduce the peasants' payments,and after controversy the view s of stopping the flow s of peasants' land eventually prevailed,the society acknow ledged the peasants' land w as a variant of state property. Along w ith the prevalence of the idea of country 's economic regulation,the Russian elite tried to overcome the agricultural crisis by deepening the dependence of peasants on the land.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition