

Russian Elite and Peasants' Problems after the Abolition of Selfdom
摘要 1861年农民改革不仅是各种利益和思想斗争与妥协的结果,也是后来俄国其他改革的起点。这场改革具有多重意义,俄国精英往往根据自己的观念对其作出不同的解读,加之缺乏关于俄国农村的客观信息,因此俄国政府和社会都对农民改革的方向缺乏明确的认识。一些政府高官试图改变1861年改革的某些原则,推动农民从村社土地所有制转向农户土地所有制,但并没有成功。19世纪70年代末80年代初,随着俄国农业危机的出现,俄国社会和政府对农民问题愈加重视。信息匮乏阻碍了俄国精英对农民问题的认识,他们对农民问题的认识并未明显受到其政治信念的影响。俄国政府试图降低农民的税费并为此爆发了争论,但最终阻止农民土地流通的观点占据了上风,社会最终承认农民土地是国家财产的变种。随着国家调控经济的思想日渐盛行,俄国精英将加深农民对土地的依附作为克服农业危机的措施。 Russian Peasants Reform of 1861 w as not only a result of struggle and compromise of a variety of interests and ideologies,but also w as the starting point for subsequent reforms. This reform had its ow n multiple meanings,and the Russian elite often made different interpretations based on their conceptions. Coupled w ith the insufficiency of objective materials on the Russian countryside,the Russian government and society lacked of clear understanding on the direction of rural reform. Some governmental dignitaries tried to change the principles of the 1861 reform,pushing peasants from the commune land ow nership into household land ow nership,but did not succeed. In the late 1870 s and early1880 s,w ith the emergence of Russia's agricultural crisis,the Russian society and government paid more attention to the peasants' problems. The Russian government tried to reduce the peasants' payments,and after controversy the view s of stopping the flow s of peasants' land eventually prevailed,the society acknow ledged the peasants' land w as a variant of state property. Along w ith the prevalence of the idea of country 's economic regulation,the Russian elite tried to overcome the agricultural crisis by deepening the dependence of peasants on the land.
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期147-152,共6页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 吉林大学研究生创新基金资助项目(450060523080)
关键词 1861年农民改革 俄国精英 农民问题 村社 Peasant Reform of 1861 Russian elite peasant question commune
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