
轻量级分组密码RECTANGLE在X86和X64平台的软件实现评估 被引量:1

Evaluation of software implementation of lightweight block cipher RECTANGLE on X86 and X64 platforms
摘要 轻量级密码是当前密码学研究的一个热门课题,设计硬件实现和软件实现性能均衡的轻量级密码算法已成为趋势.尽管在轻量级密码算法软件实现方面已经有一些理论和实际的研究,但是公平地比较不同算法的软件实现性能仍然很困难.切片实现是软件实现时模仿硬件实现的方式.本文给出RECTANGLE在X86和X64平台上切片实现以及速度测试结果.结果表明,RECTANGLE在中高端平台展现了非常优秀的软件实现性能.在2.9 GHz Intel(core)i5-4570s CPU平台RECTANGLE单块加解密速度分别为34.2和30.9 cyles/byte;使用SSE指令集,加解密速度分别为5.2和5.1 cycles/byte;使用AVX指令集,加解密速度分别为2.6和2.5 cycles/byte. Lightweight cipher has attracted much attention from the cipher community. Nowadays it is a trend to design lightweight cipher which performs well in both hardware and software. Although several theoretical and practical studies have been reported in the field of software implementation of lightweight cipher,it is still difficult to make a fair comparison of software implementation among different lightweight ciphers. In this paper we firstly present an approach of bitslice implementation of RECTANGLE,and then give its evaluation of software performance on X64 and X86 platforms.On 2. 9 GHZ Intel( core) i5- 4570 s CPU,RECTANGLE achieves 34. 2 cycles / byte for encryption and 30. 9 cycles / byte for decryption for one block; on SSE instruction it achieves 5. 2 cycles / byte for encryption and 5. 1 cycles / byte for decryption; and on AVX instruction it achieves 2. 6cycles / byte for encryption and 2. 5 cycles / byte for decryption.
出处 《中国科学院大学学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期816-824,共9页 Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(61379138) 中国科学院先导专项(XDA06010701)资助
关键词 轻量级密码 软件实现 RECTANGLE 切片实现 lightweight cipher software implementation RECTANGLE bitslice implementation
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