
新能源集热系统物联网协同测控模型研究 被引量:2

The research of the monitoring and control model for new energy collector system with collaborative IOT
摘要 提出一种新能源烘房及其温度测控系统。新能源烘房采用太阳能协调储能的供热方式,改进了传统PID控制方式,提出了基于Multi-Agent协同通信技术的模糊PID控制系统,并将物联网智能技术结合到控制系统中。新能源烘房及其温度控制系统不但有效减少了能源消耗和CO2的排放,而且解决了烘房控制系统中各个子系统之间的协调问题。通过Simulink软件仿真表明,改进后的烘房系统具有调整时间短、能耗低、智能化和可靠性高等优点。 A kind of temperature monitoring and heat control system for new energy drying room is proposed ,whose control method based on improved PID and cooperative solar energy storage method. So a fuzzy PID control system model based on Multi-Agent cooperative communication combined with Internet of Things (IOT) and smart nodes is build to improve the traditional PID control system. The improved system can not only reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, but also solve the problem of coordination between the various subsystems of control system by cooperative IOT. By Simulink simulation show improved drying room system has to adjust short time, low energy consumption, intelligence and reliability.
作者 朱志伟
出处 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期119-123,共5页 Modern Manufacturing Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60974005) 2015年度湖南省高等学校科学研究项目(15C0079)
关键词 新能源 测控模型 物联网 模糊PID 多智能体 new energy monitoring and control model Intemet of Things (IOT) fuzzy PID Multi-Agent
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