

Influence of Mechanical Pulsing on Transformation from Crystalline to Amorphous of Pure Copper
摘要 本文采用EAM势,通过分子动力学方法模拟了机械脉冲对金属铜从晶态到非晶态转变的影响。计算结果表明,在机械脉冲的作用下,转变温度随着机械脉冲的个数、幅度的增大而减少。 With the Molecular Dynamic Simulation and the Embedded Atom Method(EAM), the paper simulates the influence of the mechanical pulsing with different configurations on the transformation of Copper from crystalline state to the non-crystalline state. The result shows that the transformation temperature decreases as the mechanical pulsing number and the deformation increase.
作者 肖令平
机构地区 江西科技学院
出处 《科技广场》 2015年第8期19-21,共3页 Science Mosaic
关键词 分子动力学 机械脉冲 双体分布函数 EAM势 Molecular Dynamics Mechanical Pulsing Pair Correlation Function EAM Potential
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