
中国慢性病前瞻性研究:10个项目地区成年人群饮茶行为特征差异分析 被引量:16

Regional differences in adults' tea drinking pattern: findings from China Kadoorie Biobank study in 10 areas in China
摘要 目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)10个项目地区成年人群饮茶行为特征的地区差异.方法 分析CKB 10个项目地区512 891名30 ~ 79岁队列成员基线调查时饮茶行为信息,重点描述饮茶者每周饮茶行为特征的地区差异.结果 10个项目地区全部队列成员中,男性每周饮茶率(50.7%)高于女性(21.3%).其中湖南项目地区调查人群每周饮茶率最高(男性74.3%,女性76.6%),河南项目地区最低(男性5.5%,女性1.0%).除浙江和海口以外的其他8个项目地区,每周饮茶者以饮绿茶为主.青岛项目地区平均每次(男性3.8 g,女性3.1 g)、每日(男性6.2g,女性4.1g)和每周(男性38.4 g,女性25.0 g)茶叶消耗量均最高.结论 CKB的10个项目地区研究人群在饮茶频率、品种、消耗量和浓淡喜好等特征上均存在较为明显的地区差异. Objective To describe the gender and regional differences in adults' tea drinking pattem found in China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) survey, involving half million adults, in 10 areas in China.Methods The baseline survey of CKB was conducted in 5 urban areas and 5 rural areas in China during 2004-2008.The information on tea drinking of 512 891 adults aged 30-79 years was collected and analyzed.Results The overall prevalence of regular tea drinking (i.e., weekly) was 50.7% in males and 21.3% in females.Among 10 areas, Hunan reported the highest regular tea drinking prevalence (74.3% in males, 76.6% in females), while Henan reported the lowest regular tea drinking prevalence (5.5% in males, 1.0% in females).Most regular tea drinkers consumed green tea except those from Zhejiang and Haikou.Hunan reported the highest tea consumption per time (3.8 g in males, 3.1 g in females), per day (6.2 g in males, 4.1 g in females) and per week (38.4 g in males, 25.0 g in females).Conclusion The adults' tea drinking pattern i.e.frequency, type, amount of tea and preferred concentration of tea water, varied greatly among the 10 regions covered by CKB study.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1195-1199,共5页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81390544,81390541) 香港Kadoone Charitable基金 英国Wellcome Tmst(088158/Z/09/Z) 国家科技支撑计划(2011BA109B01)
关键词 饮茶 频率 品种 地区差异 Tea drinking Frequency Type Amount Regional difference
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