
英语作为国际通用语使用研究的特征、视角与启示 被引量:6

ELF:A New Research Topic in International Applied Linguistics
摘要 伴随经济全球化和区域化合作进程的不断推进,英语在全球各领域的使用更为普及,已成为世界不同语言文化背景人们国际跨文化交往的通用语言,这也促进了英语教学的不断发展。在过去的十多年里,英语作为通用语(ELF)的研究与教学实践成为了应用语言学和国际英语教育领域的新热点,并呈现出了蓬勃发展的趋势。文章在简述ELF发展历程的基础上,对ELF的概念和特征进行界定,对其研究领域和主要内容进行介绍,探讨ELF对我国英语教学尤其是大学英语教学改革的启示。 With the growing globalization and regional cooperation,English has seen a widespread use in all sorts of settings and has become the common contact language among speakers of different linguacultural backgrounds.This has consequently both challenged and promoted English language teaching.Over the past 15 years or so English as a lingua franca(ELF)has become a popular and booming field that has attracted a great deal of attention and practices within English language education and applied linguistics.After a brief survey of the development of ELF,the current paper defines ELF and then introduces the major findings of research into the nature of ELF in terms of its domains and linguistic levels.The paper ends with some implications of ELF for English language teaching and learning in China.
作者 马艳 李丽生
出处 《当代外语研究》 2015年第9期58-64,78,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
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