
中美“新型大国关系”构建及对两岸关系和平发展影响 被引量:1

Construction of the New Type of Great Power Relations between China and U.S. and its Impact on the Peaceful Development of Cross-Strait Relations
摘要 构建中美"新型大国关系"是中国领导人于2011年提出的关于中美关系发展的战略构想和政治主张。自提出以来,其内涵与外延得到不断充实和扩大。构建"新型大国关系"不仅对中美两国,对于亚太地区乃至整个世界都具有重要意义。在此过程中,机遇与挑战并存,关键在于双方是否能保持足够的政治意愿、战略耐心和包容心态。中美"新型大国关系"构建对两岸关系和平发展产生诸多积极性的影响,值得注意的是,美国开始有将台湾议题脱离中美关系框架的思维,并在中美"新型大国关系"下深化与台湾的安全和经济关系。 Building a new type of major country relations is a strategic concept and political proposition initiated by Chinese leaders in 2011 on the development of Sino-U. S. relations. Ever since then,both of its connotation and extension have been constantly enriched. The construction of the relationshiP〈0is of great significance not only to both China and the United States,but also to the Asia Pacific region and the whole world. Both opportunities and challenges coexist in the process but the key factor lies in whether the two sides can maintain sufficient political will,strategic patience and tolerant attitude. On the other hand,building the new relations between the two countries has a positive impact on the peaceful development of the cross-Strait relations,. However,it is worth noting that the United States has begun to think about divorcing the Taiwan Question from the framework of China-U.S. relations,and at the same time,deepened its relations with Taiwan in security and economy under the new type of great power relations between the two countries.
出处 《台湾研究集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期9-16,共8页 Taiwan Research Journal
关键词 中美关系 新型大国关系 两岸关系 Sino-US relations new type of major country relationship cross-Strait relations
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