
空间科学对国家科技、经济与社会发展的作用 被引量:2

Generator of Wealth, Driver of Innovation, Source of New Theory and Knowledge——Role of Space Science in National Development
摘要 1957年,前苏联发射了世界上第一颗人造地球卫星,标志着人类进入空间时代。空间时代的到来使人类有能力突破大气层的干扰与屏障,以全新的角度探索和研究宇宙空间。近60年来,通过空间科学探测与研究,人类关于宇宙的教科书不断被改写,重大科学发现与突破不断涌现,彻底改变了人类对宇宙和自然的认识;同时,通过空间科学卫星计划,带动了航天技术和相关技术的革命性进展,开辟了多项新的技术与产业领域,激励和鼓舞了数代年轻人追寻科技梦想。空间科学被公认为是"财富的发电机"、"创新的驱动器"和"新理论新知识的源泉",是各科技强国竞相发展、寻求革命性突破的领域,对国家发展具有重要的战略作用。 "The earth is the cradle of mankind, but human beings cannot live in the cradle forever". The launching of the first man-made satellite in 1957 by USSR indicates the kick-off of space era, which also brought up a new discipline of science -- Space Science. Though young as it is, space science mainly focuses on the old questions such as the origin and evolution of universe and life, the evolution of solar system and its planets, the laws of solar activity, and the evolution of the planet earth, the answers of which have been sought by human beings for thousands of years. The development of space era enables human beings to have access to space. With no disturbance and shielding of the earth atmosphere, the universe could be viewed and explored in a new way. Space science, usually taking satellites or spacecraft as platforms for observations and experiments, studies the phenomenon and laws of physics, astronomy, chemistry and life, etc. in the universe. In recently rough 60 years, through space scientific exploration and research, plenty of significant discoveries and breakthroughs had been made and our knowledge of universe had been transformed, so that the textbooks have been rewritten periodically. Meanwhile, the develop- ment of space science is close-related to the development of space technology. With the implementation of space science mis- sions, the space and related technologies have been advanced greatly, many new fields have been opened up, and several gener- ations of young people have been inspired to seek the dreams of new frontiers for science and technology. Space science, which has been in a race in developed countries, plays an important and strategic role in national development, and is remarked as the generator of wealth, driver of innovation, and the source of new theory and knowledge.
作者 孙丽琳 吴季
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2015年第6期733-739,共7页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 中科院空间科学战略性先导科技专项(XDA04000000)
关键词 空间科学 空间科学卫星 宇宙 space science, scientific satellite, universe
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