套管状况检测的重要手段之一就是使用井径系列仪器。利用差动变压器的工作原理,研制了适合套管变形严重测井的小直径井径仪器,100多口井的现场应用表明了该仪器能稳定可靠地工作。在油田开发后期,套管变形严重时,直径为70 mm的井径仪器(40臂)经常遇阻,不能完成测井,使用20臂井径测井仪方便起下,减少了仪器遇阻。文章介绍了仪器的工作原理、仪器实现的关键技术和现场应用情况。
Series caliper logging tool is one of the important ways to detect the casing. The small diameter caliper was developed for casing deformation using the principle of differential transformer. Over 100 wells in the field application shows the small diameter caliper tool work stably and reliably. Casing deformation is very serious at the late stage of oilfield development, the conventional caliper tools normally with the 70ram diameter get stuck very often and couldn't complete the logging. The 38mm diameter caliper could solve the problem of the tool stuck. This paper introduces the working principle,the key technology in the tool and the application in the field.
Petroleum Tubular Goods & Instruments